Happy Sunday, friends! I hope you’ve all had a fun weekend! We are currently en route back to Austin and I can’t wait to see the kiddos! Hoping they’ve been on their best behavior…I’m sure our elf has been watching and will let us know 😉
Our crew is holiday ready in our matching pajamas – how cute is this set that the kids picked out?! They’re from one of our long time favorite brands, Hanna Andersson. I’ve shared the kids’ favorites from them in the past, their pajamas are always the absolute cutest! We love all of the fun prints they come out with and I love grabbing their holiday sets this time of year for the whole fam. We always do matching pajamas as a tradition and there are so many cute options and styles! And if prints aren’t your thing, they have lots of fun striped sets for the holidays too.
Another reason we buy Hannas year round is because of the amazing quality. They last longer than any others and are super, SUPER soft! I’m going to link some of our holiday favs here! And, P.S. – Nazim loves them too, but we needed a photographer to take these pics, haha! Happy Holiday PJ shopping!!

Thank you to Hanna Andersson for partnering with me on this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.